The best-known young entrepreneurs we can name were Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook and Microsoft’s Bill Gates , who became self-made billionaires at ages 23 and 21, respectively. However, this is a trend that is becoming more and more common. It’s a prevalent fallacy (and perhaps an excuse for some) that successful entrepreneurship takes years of hard work, long hours, and vast experience to develop. However, an increasing number of aspiring young entrepreneurs are demonstrating that neither is necessary in order to launch a lucrative endeavour. Before they have even graduated high school, this burgeoning group of aspiring young entrepreneurs starts firms from their bedrooms. Consider Zoe Sugg , the founder of Summly, who at the age of 17 sold her news app to Yahoo for a cool $30 million. Check more small business news Australia here. The British beauty blogger, who started her own YouTube channel in 2009 and now reportedly makes $100,000 pe...
Independent Teacher, Freelance Writer, Conservationist, Eco Friendly Environment Crusader. A life hack writer by choice. Published articles on Ezinestack and Lifehacker.