You may have seen gua sha instructions on TikTok in the last month — or videos in which people apply a smooth, angled stone to their face. Benefits of using Gua Sha have recently gained in popularity, with users claiming the device has cleared their skin, reduced wrinkles, and given them a more sculpted appearance. At the time of publication, the hashtag #guasha had accumulated more than 432 million views on TikTok, with users claiming the appliance has cleared their skin, reduced wrinkles, and given them a more sculpted appearance. While the facial tool has recently gained popularity on social media sites, it is not a new technique. It truly predates modern medicine, as the stones were formerly utilised to treat a variety of ailments in China.
The Benefits Of Gua Sha
Encourage the flow of blood – The Tai Yin meridians (made of the lung and spleen) and Yang Ming meridians (composed of the big intestines and stomach) are responsible for the overall health of your skin. When you use your body Gua Sha tool to softly scrape the skin on your face, you’re activating your Yang Ming meridians. You’re also signalling to your body that this place requires extra blood flow.
The shape or design of tools
Gua Sha instruments come in a variety of shapes, depending on whatever area of the body they are used on. For the hands, feet, and back, there is a traditional double-faced wing type tool.
For the face gua sha, choose a small, winged kind with dents. Some Gua Sha instruments have a rod-like shape, making them excellent for vast areas like the back.
Some of the tools resemble spoons and have lengthy handles, making them ideal for the neck, shoulders, palms, and feet.
We strongly advise you to use a stone-made tool. Unfortunately, the quality of many of the Gua Sha tools available on the internet leaves much to be desired. The nephrite stone and quartz are favourites.
If you’re not sure which stone and shape are best for you, start with a basic tool in a classic shape to master the fundamentals. A quartz Gua Sha body massage tool, for example, could be a good place to start.
Read More: Best Gua Sha tools and its benefits
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