It’s amazing how quickly smartphones, tablets and laptops have become indispensable. Our fancy tools for communication and procrastination rarely leave our side, and are often the last thing we see before we go to bed. But this nocturnal technology use is keeping many people awake. In fact, researchers have found that using any bright screen in the hours before you try to sleep can interrupt your sleeping patterns. The screens of mobile phones, tablets and computers all use blue-coloured backlight. Whilst blue is the best colour to make the screen bright and easy to read during the day, it also suppresses melatonin. A number of computer programs and mobile apps have been created to minimise the effect of blue light at night. The most famous, f.lux , changes the colour temperature of your computer display to warmer colours when the sun goes down. It’s based on your local sunrise and sunset times. Read More:
Independent Teacher, Freelance Writer, Conservationist, Eco Friendly Environment Crusader. A life hack writer by choice. Published articles on Ezinestack and Lifehacker.