California Probate Code 6110 sets forth that anyone 18 and older can execute a valid will provided that the will is a in written form, is signed by the testator (individual executing the will), and the signing is done in the presence of two witnesses. The witnesses must be disinterested parties. The term ‘written’ is construed in broad terms.
Hiking Trip
Suppose a group of hikers go to the Sierra Nevadas during Christmas vacation to hike for a week. They pack their stuff and plan to sleep in tents to really experience the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada. They plan on climbing Mount Whitney as part of their trip.
The first few days are excellent. The serene mountains are incredible; the cooler weather provides a breath of fresh air. That night, they head to bed early for a morning climb on Mount Whitney.
Speak with the Law Firm of Melanie Tavare, for estate planning lawyer.
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