Define “play time’ for a tween Welcome to the tween years. An age where your little ones are too old for dolls and pretend play, but too young to be left unsupervised with friends. So, what exactly do tweens do apart from tapping and scrolling on their phones, and does that count as play? Well, play is anything that is done for recreational pleasure and enjoyment. And with a tween being stuck in a schedule full of studies, after-school programmes, and practise, the need for some stress-free time, aka play, is very important. This could be anything from putting on a talent show to making silly runway dresses and even a game night to help them bond with friends and parents. Play could mean different things for different teens. For one kid, fun could be an hour spent building a car out of old cardboard boxes or even playing catch with their dog, while for another kid it could mean playing a game of chess or painting rocks. Board games, kids craft kits , designing animation, or...
Independent Teacher, Freelance Writer, Conservationist, Eco Friendly Environment Crusader. A life hack writer by choice. Published articles on Ezinestack and Lifehacker.