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Showing posts from April, 2019

Best CPAP Mask Cleaning Solution

Once a patient is diagnosed with sleep apnea, it becomes a traumatic experience with sleep for the patient. A patient goes through a lot of discomforts while sleeping. Buying a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mask is the best solution to decrease sleep apnea symptoms. It also helps you get good sound sleep. It is also vital to buy the mask as per your sleeping position. There are  CPAP masks for side sleepers ,  stomach sleepers, mouth breathers, etc. You need to work with your specialist to determine an ideal mask for you depending on your sleep position.  Buying a CPAP mask is not enough. It is also important to keep it clean and well maintained. There are many ways to do so. Let’s see how you can keep your mask clean and well maintained, but before that let’s understand the importance of cleaning the CPAP machine. What’s the best way to clean the CPAP machine? When you use the machine, it collects bacteria, viruses, and other allergens. The  soclean...

How To Get Rid From Snoring?

Most of the people snore occasionally and usually, it is not something to worry about. But, what if you snore every day?  Snoring  can keep your partner awake and it might create major relationship issues as well. A CPAP(Continuous Positive airway pressure)  mask is designed to treat OSA. The obstruction in breathing can occur at multiple levels of the airway and the CPAP machine is useful to stabilize the pressure in all parts of the upper airway. It is an effective remedy to treat OSA symptoms. You need to get a custom fit of the appliance and it will help in repositioning the lower jaw forward for those patients who snore. A specialist in sleep dentistry can assist you well in buying the best CPAP machine. If you are overweight, then significant weight loss can also improve the condition. Which CPAP machine should you invest in? It can be challenging to decide which CPAP machine will suit you. Well, you can go through some  dreamstation cpap rev...